Family Tree Updated December 16, 2022!
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Welcome to the Acuff-Ecoff Family Archives On-Line!


If your surname or family history research includes any variant of

Acuff -- Acoff -- Achuff -- Ascough -- Acup -- etc. or Ecoff -- Eckoff -- Ecough

, we want to hear from you!


This site has existed since 1996 in various forms. We periodically take down portions to update them.

Please check back periodically for more.

We also encourage you to join us on Facebook. Two active groups are Acuffs and The Acoffs.

To learn more about our genealogy DNA project click here.

If you have questions or comments, please e-mail .

If you have information, old photos, transcribed letters/obituaries/journals/documents, or anything else to share, we would dearly love to add it to our digital document or photo collection as they come back on-line.

This site would not exist without the dedicated efforts of numerous diligent and dedicated family historians. One of our most-passionate and dedicated was Patricia Ann Acuff Wolfe (1938-2015). There are no words to describe how much her efforts to discover and preserve our family's heritage have facilitated our documentation of Acuffs and variants world-wide and throughout history. Ann was an expert on her branch of the Acuff family: descendants of James W. Acuff and Nancy Hutcheson, pioneer settlers of Bledsoe County, Tennessee.

Ann was the daughter of Thomas Rye Acuff, Sr., and his wife, Margaret Onese Davis. Tommy was the son of Claude Harding Acuff, grandson of James Hamable Acuff, great-grandson of William McKindrey Acuff, great-great-grandson of James W. Acuff (above), and great-great-great-grandson of John and Nancy (née Watson) Acuff, founders of Puncheon Camp Baptist Church in Grainger County, Tennessee, in 1802.

We were blessed by the Divine with Ann's life and presence among us. Godspeed, precious spirit. Revel in the knowledge and answers you've received and all the ancestral welcomes that were awaiting your arrival.


Ann Wolfe